Brutus Buckeye |
Brutus Buckeye is the mascot of Ohio State athletics, and a darn good one at that. Brutus has been through several
phases throughout the years, but has always been the best mascot around!
This is Brutus circa the 1960s:

By the 1970s, this tough-looking son of a gun had emerged. Would you mess with this guy? Wolverweenies must
have crapped their pants:

He was followed by this classic Brutus. He was around at the end of Coach Hayes' reign. As you can see, he
was good at baiting the zebras just like the Coach:

Then he was replaced by this fuzzy Brutus, who didn't last long:

Today's Brutus likes to show people that he and Ohio State are #1, and he likes to run around leading the charge into
battle carrying OSU flags!
